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Audlem Methodist Church
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Welcome to Audlem Methodist Church

AMC at night

Welcome to Audlem Methodist Church

crosses at dawn

Welcome to Audlem Methodist Church

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News stories

Coffee Morning September 2024
Coffee Morning
Published: Wednesday 4 September
Bowden Rugby Choir 3 2024
Music Festival at AMC
Published: Thursday 30 May
Music & Arts Festival
Music Festival Returns to AMC
Published: Thursday 23 May

Coming events

Calendar icon showing 15th October
AWEG Meeting
Tuesday 15 October
Calendar icon showing 20th October
Early Morning Communion
Sunday 20 October @ 8:30 am
Calendar icon showing 20th October
Morning Worship & JAM activities
Sunday 20 October @ 10:30 am

Sunday morning services and activities for children continue at 10.30am each week followed by tea and coffee.

Early morning communion services take place on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 8.30am.

Our midweek service followed by light lunch takes place on the last Wednesday of every month at 12 noon.

Please check our calendar for further activities and events.

Our Methodist Church Newsletter (otherwise known as The Green Sheet) is usually available every week.If you wish to be added to the circulation list for these please contact Rev. Robin Fox on 01270 812820 or via email.
You can also view the Green Sheets here.

Nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God

that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:39

Prayer of the Day for Tuesday 15 October 2024

A prayer for our discipleship

Lord, send us out.
Send us out from our buildings, full of history and comfort and meaning, and lead us into your world as your disciples where the story is still being written.
Send us out with our hearts full of love and concern and fear and hope, and lead us into your heart for this blessed and beautiful world where the story is still being written.
Continue to bless places for lonely people to gather; soup lunches and warm spaces; moves and renovations; missions and prayer gatherings; and all the ways we seek to move from where we are to where you want us to be.
Lord, send us out. And remind us – remind me – that the story is still being written. Amen.

Refurbishment 2006
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Food for the Journey

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:4-7

Get In Touch
01270 812820

Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street

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© 2024 – Audlem Methodist Church